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REAL MEN...Save money!


Most of the country is thawed out by now and summer is upon us. You're ready for the summer and so is everyone else. Spring brings more smiles, more joggers, skirts are out, but also costs a lot more money.

While you're probably spending most of your time wondering how you're going to look in a bathing suit in some hazy MTV spring break/summer/Gatsby fantasy or that particular fun fling you're hoping to find; Tinder, Hinge, Grouper and those of you still using Ok Cupid, you are spending way to much dinero on weekly meaningless sex. Here is my suggestion for what you should be thinking about: Saving money.

I know that when I mention saving money, you [probably shake in your booties and nearly drop your phone onto the subway platform. Don't freak out now, OK? NO, don't go back to thinking about all the women out there. Here are some ways you can consider getting more money in your savings and in your pocket this summer.

Some of you are well on your way to saving and investments, but for those of you who are rusty or haven't started at all, here are some quick bullet points to get you familiar with what you should be doing. Let's remember, first and foremost, that your cost of living goes down during the summer. It's beautiful outside, and the birds are singin'. Heating is down, and you can walk/bike outside more. Pretend you have that extra money and:

1. Put in your 401k if you have one. Put in as much as you employer will match. Do it now, ask your employer.

2. Put money in your IRA or Roth IRA. Like one of my old professors used to say "If only you kids bothered to open up a nearly tax free IRA and didn't buy every little shiny bauble you see on TV, you would MAYBE be on your way to retirement.

3. Put it into a treasury bond and help out your country and make the terms until the end of the summer. You won't get much of a return, but it'll set it aside temporarily until summer is over and you won't blow it on a 24 rack of Coors.

4. If you know the stock market, invest your little summer change. Heck, invest in AOL. Remember them? they just got bought out by Verizon. Maybe it'll go up. Check Yahoo Finance or Investopedia or /r/stocks for info.

5. Go Outside. Most things are free out there. Go jogging. Maybe you'll meet someone.

6. There are lots of chances to get small odd jobs out there that are for the weekends, like street team work and labor gigs. Check Craigslist. If you can't find a gig, maybe there is a hot item that you could flip if the price is right or the item is desirable. Negotiate the prices. Take cash money and do exchanges in a safe place.

7. Need something to do? Read a book...from the Library. Hey it's your taxes. They have movies and music too. Host your own movie night.

8. Have some stuff you want to clear out? Can anyone say sidewalk sale? Look for the hipsters to come by and convince them of the rarity of your unneeded yet unique items.

9. Need to do a lunch date? Try a picnic. Food will be cheaper-ish. Need to do a date? Go dutch.

10. If you have Cable TV or Pay channels, cancel them for the summer. You're likely getting ripped anyway.

11. This might seem somewhat NOT obvious, but try paying a little bit more on your student loan if you have one. You will be saving that long term interest and make your overall individual equity.

12. DON'T touch that car as much usual, if you can. Your car costs money, straight up. Gas. As well, statistics say that people dumb down during the summer and accidents go up. If your car gets into a breezy little accident, then the repair shop will get your summer funds. So take the bus or train, or walk/bike.

Those are some meager suggestions. Try cutting some spending corners here and there this summer and save WHENEVER you can. You can do it.


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